Aquino Trial Services applies interactive trial presentation technology to persuasively present evidence to assist our clients in victory. Our highly trained trial technology specialists are available to display evidence and deposition testimony on-the-fly, annotate exhibits, make call-outs and provide all-around in-trial tech and after-hours support. Partnering with us will provide peace of mind you won't find elsewhere. Having an experienced trial paralegal attending to your case and technical needs will provide your entire trial team with support and enable you to be successful.

FREE Online Summit
November 13th and 20th
Follow up Webinar
April 23rd
The Online Courtroom Project and National Institute for Trial Advocacy "NITA" present COVID, The Courts, and the Future of the Jury Trial, where judges, attorneys, legal scholars, trial consultants, and court administrators from across the country will share their experiences, their research, and their best practices from conducting trials in the last few months.
COVID, The Courts, and the Future of the Jury Trial
Join us for a FREE Online Summit where we will address these questions:
When will jury trials resume in earnest? Will they be in-person with masks and social distancing? Will you be picking a jury on Zoom, but trying your case in court? Or will you be conducting the entire trial online?
What new skills, technology, procedures, and resources will you need to effectively choose a jury and present your case? What new court procedures will persist even after the Coronavirus over?